Green Energy
AstraConcepts provides engineering and conceptual design services focused on the rainbow of Carbon Capture, Utilization, Sequestration (CCUS), Hydrogen production, transportation and storage technologies and Natural Gas Renewable Facilities (RNG). We offer leading engineering designs throughout the carbon and hydrogen life cycle utilizing state-of-the-art engineering tools in response to North American and international directives to develop and expand a sustainable zero-carbon economy.

Key Benefits
Design of the entire carbon capture and hydrogen energy systems life cycle including production, transportation and storage.
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in line with zero-carbon policy.
Green Energy
Steam Methane Reforming (SMR)
Naphtha Cracker
Partial Oxidation (POX)
Auto-Thermal Reforming (ATR)
Methane Pyrolysis
Carbon Capture Utilization & Storage (CCUS)
Solid oxide electrolyser cells (SOECs)
Polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM)
Alkaline electrolysis cells (AECs).
BAT in Green Energy
AstraConcepts utilizes Aspen HYSYS to design Green Energy Plants in-line with best available technology (BAT) configurations utilizing the following tools:
Activated Energy Analysis
Aspen Energy Analyzer™
Aspen Utilities Planner™
Best available technology as per the EU requirements is utilized to calculate the energy consumption (BAT-E) and carbon emission (BAT-C) for various Industrial Configurations.
CARBON Intensity Calculations utilizes both CO₂ emissions based on energy deficiency as well as CO₂ consumption, capturing and generation in process and utility systems.
CCUS & Hydrogen Plant Configuation
Astra Concepts provides engineering design and know-how in small, medium and large hydrogen facilities including production technology selection and processing, transportation and storage of compressed hydrogen and/or liquified hydrogen\
H2 Production Selection:
Carbon Capture
Compression Facility
Purification Facility
Drying Facility
Tube Trailer Loading & Storage
Liquification & Storage